Citadels Revised Edition

Citadels Revised Edition


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Now Revised Citadels

Each round in Citadels, players take on new roles to symbolise persons they hire to assist them gain gold and develop structures. The game concludes when a player erects their eighth structure at the end of a round. After that, the players add up their points, and the player with the highest total wins.

Players begin the game with a hand full of construction cards; buildings are divided into five colours, with purple buildings having a special power and the other colours providing benefits when playing specific characters. Each round begins with the player who was king the previous round discarding one of the eight character cards at random, selecting one, and passing the cards to the next player. The characters then carry out their actions in numerical order: the assassin eliminating another character for the round, the thief stealing all gold from another character, the wizard swapping building cards with another player, the warlord optionally destroys a building in play, and so on.

On a turn, a player earns two or more gold (or draws two building cards then discards one), then optionally constructs one building (or up to three if playing the architect this round). Buildings cost gold equal to the number of symbols on them, and each building is worth a certain number of points. In addition to points from buildings, at the end of the game a player scores bonus points for having eight buildings or buildings of all five colors.

Players: 2 – 8

Ages: 10 +


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