A city building and planning 3D strategy game
Players build their city model by strategically positioning buildings and walkways to optimize the amount of points they earn.
How to play:
Chose a tile and strategically position it in your model, then add buildings.
Build walkways between buildings of the same height.
Earn votes from the City Council for each walkway you build. The walkways are worth 1, 2, 3, 5 or 8 votes based on their length. Win the game with the most votes!
Time: 30mins approx
Players: 2-4
Ages 10+
96 Buildings (divided into 3 heights, 32 each)
93 Walkways (31 River Walkways,
31 Forest Walkways, 31 Sand Walkways)
48 Cloud Tiles
10 Special Request cards (for the variation only)
Illustrated Rules
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